Return to School / Covid-19 Support Hub
- Section 1: Return to School: Here you will find our Covid-19 Response Plan, publications from the Department of Education, contact information, our starting and finishing times, videos and other resources supporting your child's return to school.
- Section 2: Resources: contains links to websites, resources, printable materials etc that you can use to supplement your child's learning. This sections also contains links that the children could use for self-directed learning or independent work.
Section 1: Returning to School
General Information
School resumed on Monday 30th of August for all our pupils. Until further notice the arrangements for pupils that were in place during the last term will continue into the new school year. This means that children from different classes (bubbles) will not be allowed to mix with children from other classes. In a slight change from last year pupils within all classes may be arranged into pods. Previously only pupils up to 2nd class were arranged into pods with all senior classes being arranged into rows. Teachers of senior classes may now choose to arrange pupils into pods or keep them in rows.
Children will still be required to sanitise their hands regularly. Ventilation of classrooms will be prioritised. As of December 1st, children from 3rd to 6th class are required to wear masks. A new antigen testing programme for close contacts has commenced. Please see the video and documentation below. Please remember to keep practising handwashing, sneezing & coughing routines with your children at home. If your child is feeling unwell, please do not send them to school. Please read the documents and materials below for greater detail. If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate in contacting me - Peter
School resumed on Monday 30th of August for all our pupils. Until further notice the arrangements for pupils that were in place during the last term will continue into the new school year. This means that children from different classes (bubbles) will not be allowed to mix with children from other classes. In a slight change from last year pupils within all classes may be arranged into pods. Previously only pupils up to 2nd class were arranged into pods with all senior classes being arranged into rows. Teachers of senior classes may now choose to arrange pupils into pods or keep them in rows.
Children will still be required to sanitise their hands regularly. Ventilation of classrooms will be prioritised. As of December 1st, children from 3rd to 6th class are required to wear masks. A new antigen testing programme for close contacts has commenced. Please see the video and documentation below. Please remember to keep practising handwashing, sneezing & coughing routines with your children at home. If your child is feeling unwell, please do not send them to school. Please read the documents and materials below for greater detail. If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate in contacting me - Peter
Starting & Finishing Times
Starting Times:
8.45-8.50: Ms Shinnors' & Ms Mescall's classes 8.50-8.55: Ms Higgins', Ms Crone's & Ms Oates/Ms Brennan's classes 8.55-9.00: Ms Dunne's, Ms Kenny's & Mr Stone's classes Siblings may continue to arrive together during the timeslot of the earliest arriving sibling. Finishing Times: 1.25: Ms Shinnors' class 1.30: Ms Higgins' class 1.35: Ms Dunne's class 2.25: Ms Mescall's class 2.30: Ms Crone's & Ms Oates/Ms Brennan's classes 2.35: Ms Kenny's & Mr Stone's classes Siblings will be permitted to wait in the yard/shelter until their sibling’s class’s leaving time. Arrival & Departure Doors Main Office Door: Jnr Infs, Snr Infs (arrival), ASD class & 3rd/4th class Far Door (near bball courts): 1st Class, 2nd Class, Snr Infants (departure) Side Door (near field): 4th/5th Class & 5th/6th Class School Documents
Dept of Ed/HSE Documents
Advice from NEPS (National Educational Pyschological Service)
Supporting your child's return to school
* Dept of Children's Advice: Click here to access the advice offered by the Dept of Children on preparing for school.
* National Council for Special Education (NCSE)'s advice on returning to school: Click here to access HSE Minding Your Wellbeing During Uncertain Times
HSE Health & Wellbeing: Supporting Schools E-Newsletter - Click Here to Access
* Preparing your child for the return to school from Curragh Family Resource Centre
Return to School Form
The form (link below) combines the Covid-19 Declaration Form with a standard absence note. There is no need to send in an additional absence note to your child's teacher if you use this form.
Scoil Mhuire Absence Note & Covid-19 Declaration Form VideosBack to school advice for parents
Advice for Junior Infants starting school
Back to school advice for Senior Infants to 2nd Class
Back to school advice for 3rd to 6th class
Dr Abigail Collins on what to do if your child is a close contact
Section 2: Resources
Below you will find links to an array of websites, learning tools, worksheets, workbooks etc. You will also find a list of Mr. Roche's favourite resources and separate links to the newest added materials. The first sub-section is a link to documents that are of particular important such as our Zoom Etiquette Guide
Important Documents
Resources & Websites for Infants & Pre-school
World Book Online - Early Learning (Mr Roche's fav!) Sesame Street Games Crick Web - Early Years Games CBeebies Games Top Marks - Maths Games Numberblocks Videos Top Marks - English Games Séidáin Sí (Gaeilge) Phonics Sound Sayer Phonics Songs Forest Phonics (Snr Infants) Spooky Sounds Workbooks & Downloads
SPHE, Health & Wellbeing
Everybody Worries (A book to help cope with worries) NEW! Mind Yourself Resource Pack (developed by Children's Books Ireland) Breathe: Self-Regulation & Relaxation Techniques for Children (Developed by the PDST Health & Wellbeing Team) Webwise's Covid-19 Online Safety Advice for Parents TTS Well-being Booklet From Big Fish to Little Fish (A workbook about moving from primary to secondary school) Healthy Eating (Scoilnet) Ms Farley's Mindfulness Video NEPS 10 Tips on Supporting Your Child At Home NEPS Advice on Daily Routines Managing Anxiety Mindfulness Videos from Primary Teacher & Mindfulness Facilitator 1. Introduction Video 2. Mindfulness Worry Video for Kids 3. Mindfulness Anger Video for Kids Tusla - Online Safety Videos by Parents for Parents 1. Start the Conversation 2. Setting Limits 3. Be Informed 4. How Much Time Was I Online Today? 5. Parents Share and Learn
SESE (History, Geography, Science, Social Studies) National Geographic Kids (Great website for projects etc!) History Storytime (Brilliant podcast) NEW! NASA's STEM website NEW! National Museum of Ireland: Exhibitions NEW! Virtual Tours through Nature Road Trips from Home: Virtual Field Trips No Barriers (Supported by FAI) Space Science - Live Lessons! Marvin & Milo Activities (From Institute of Physics) Our World: Irish Aid Awards At Home Learning Online Castle Visits! Science Foundation Ireland: STEM At Home Little Book of Irish Science Kitchen Chemistry Egyptian Tomb Adventure TED Ed European Union Learning Corner Virtual Field Trips |